

We are excited that you are interested in learning more about the Aggie Men’s Club, and we hope that this website is informative and helpful. You might be wondering what makes AMC unique given the sheer quantity of social and service organizations available to students on Texas A&M’s campus. The answer to that question is most obviously identified through interactions with the active members of AMC. We strongly encourage you to reach out to any of these men, including myself, to gain a better understanding of the values and purpose of the Aggie Men’s Club. Each member brings a unique perspective and takes away something different from their time in AMC, but a few of our basic, guiding principles are outlined below.

As the purpose of AMC states, “We commit ourselves to the full spiritual, emotional, and physical development of each member and shall maintain an environment which is conducive to this individual growth.” We have had men from all different backgrounds and various seasons of life belong and contribute to this group, and we believe it is this attribute which drives each one of us to give back to both Texas A&M University and each other. We recognize the benefits of diversity in our personal stories, interests, and ways of serving our university and community. Our unique traditions allow for each member of AMC to form a genuine relationship with each other in an environment that cultivates lasting friendships and a common love for Texas A&M.

As Aggies, service is at the very core of our organization. In staying true to this principle, we get to team up with another student organization and host a unique concert called Maroon on The Green in order to support our philanthropy - Kairos Christian School. Kairos is based in Antigua, Guatemala and is dedicated to meeting the needs of their community through education and additional support to families. Locally, our primary service activity involves a weekly food drive to benefit on-campus workers, known to us as the “essential Aggies,” through a partnership with a local nonprofit, The REACH Project. We also partner with REACH to serve our community through a Fall Festival, weekly food drives as well as custodial banquet in the spring. In addition to these special privileges of serving others, we also enjoy several social events such as crush parties, date parties, and an annual Formal every fall.

While the majority of our members are unified through a faith in Jesus Christ, we are not a religious organization and we do not require a certain set of beliefs for membership. That being said, we acknowledge the personal convictions of many of our members and attempt to keep our Creator at the center of all that we do as an organization. While we are accepting of all men for who they are and what they believe, we consider it worthwhile to encourage every individual to become a better Aggie and ultimately, a more faithful man of God.

If you have any questions at all or are interested in hearing more about our organization, please come to one of our informational's this fall or feel free to email me here. Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you at Selections.

Thanks and Gig’em! 

JT Carr

Aggie Men's Club | President

Texas A&M '24